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Dated: Mar. 20, 2010

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Microsoft Word

by Dianna Reed

Reviewing documents is a cumbersome task within itself, not to mention writing tiny notes in the margins and by the time you finished, you can hardly read what you have written. But what if there was a way to make comments in a Microsoft Word document right on the screen, would you use it?

Of course you would. Not only can you make comments on screen, but you can also track changes made to word documents. Now that your interest has been peaked, you want to learn how to use it?

How It Works

This is how it works. First open the word document you wish to add comments. Select the ‘Review’ tab from the menu. Next select ‘New Comment’. When you select the ‘New Comment’, it automatically selects the last word in the sentence. Then make your comments in the comment box. If you want to select a different word or paragraph, highlight it first, then press the “New Comment” icon.

Microsoft Word Document CommentThis makes your work so much easier, not to mention if you have to send the same document to multiple reviewers and merge all the comments/changes into one document. Select the ‘Review’ tab, select ‘Compare’ and a window opens. If the documents are not listed, browse for them. Once you have retrieved the documents, select ‘Combine revisions from multiple authors.’ The window opens again, on the original side, select the document you wish to combine the changes from. If it is not listed, you may have to browse for it. 

On the ‘Revised’ side repeat the process, only select first document, then ‘More’ to add more documents. Select ‘Show Changes’ and select the options and then select ‘show changes in’ and select the original document and ‘OK’.

All the comments and other changes from all reviewers are in one document. You can also hide or show the source documents. Just repeat each step for all the documents and before you know it you are done. 

Why Use Comments in Microsoft Word

Why would you use comment tags? Comments tags are used to suggest changes or add information that may have been omitted without changing the original document. Professors use comment tags all the time. It helps them track your improvement and it helps you learn from your mistakes. If the paper was returned with no comments, how would you learn from your mistakes?

Comments tags are not just used to point out mistakes, but to add substance to the document. Perhaps after reading the information, the reviewer wanted to move the document in a different direction, but is not sure how it will flow. He or she can use comment tags to do so and have others read the document with the new added information, and without changing the original document. One more thing, if you decide you do not want to use any of the comment tags, you can delete them by selecting the delete icon under the ‘Review’ menu.  You can delete all comment tags or some. Reviewing is made easier by using the comment tags in Microsoft word.

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cerveja juizo's Comment
Como Gelar A Cerveja R�pido Prestem aten��o nessa orienta��o, porque eu testei ela num churrasco esse termo de semana, e fiquei muito feliz!�Ali�s, um gratula��o privativo aao Guiga ( @filhodopadeiro ) ddo Tudo Sobre Facebook , que me passou esse conhecimento milenar! A medida de cada um desses ingredientes depender� da quantidade de cerveja que se pretende gelar. Por�m via de regra, seria um saco de gelo, um litro de �gua, um litro de �lcool e tamb�m meio quilo de sal. Depois de colocar todos e cada um dos ingredientes num recipiente, basta acomodar as latas/garrafas de cerveja e tamb�m aguardar por vinda de 3 minutos. Voc� poder� proporcionalizar essas medidas conforme a quantidade de cerveja que pretende gelar. sal se dissolve facilmente na �gua e reduz seu mancha de refrigera��o. Pura, a �gua conhgela a cerca de 0 �C. J� a �gua com sal precisa de uma temperatura menor, que � poss�vel que chegar a dezdnas de graus sob zero. Enquanto saal � colocado no gelo, parte dos cubs derretem, roubando_ calor durant a troca de estado f�sico e esfrkando a mistura como um todo. Ou poor outra, sal dissolvido provoca uma rea��o endot�rmica, ou melhor, reduz mais a temperatura da mistura. �lcool tem um papel semelhante: derrete gelo roubando_ calor e diminui ainda mass mancha de congelamento. � empregado porque quando a temperatura ficar menos -9 �C, sal perde algo do efeito, por�m �lcool n�o. De olho no rel�gio: alum�nio � bom condutor de calor, e tamb�m 3 minutos s�o suficientes a fim de que as latinhas mergulhadas encolntrem equil�brio t�rmico. Como a temperatura estaca menos zero, ap�s n�mero reduzido de minutos, a grito vai estar t�o gelada que n�o vai conceder para sentir gosto e periga enregelar. Deixe toalha de papel chupar muito a chuva, e logo depois, leve ass cervejas para frigor�fico. A �gua no papel vai congelar r�pida,formando uma classe de gelo que esfria a po��o. Orienta��o: tomem desvelo, porque dependendo do freezer a cerveja pode gelar numa rapidez absurda, deixando sua cefveja congelada, que n�o � l�cito. Mini Refrigerados USB Mais um gadget alco�lico para voc� n�o perdrr a ansa de tomar uma cervejinha gelad�sima no recreio do seu trabalho. H� nem tinha visto_ a do nitrog�nio � a elhor (moleza de encontrar) hahahahahha �ptimo. adicionei aos favoritos_. E que perguntaa l� em cima do Leandro. N�o funciona com outras bebidas n�o, s� cerveja quue gela, aas outras se colocar esquenta!
22 Sat Apr 2017
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13 Thu Oct 2016
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06 Thu Oct 2016
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Jenay's Comment
Good to see real expertise on display. Your contribution is most welocme.
22 Tue Jan 2013
Admin's Reply:

Thanks Jenay.

v.Hariprasad's Comment
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22 Tue Jun 2010
Admin's Reply:

Thanks Hariprasad .

Matt John's Comment
microsoft exam questions
31 Wed Mar 2010
Admin's Reply:

Aahh, can you be a bit specific Matt?